Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pelosi - Care

Today, on the steps of the Capitol building, the eulogy for capitalism began. It was a somber ceremony for many as the 1,990 pages of new process, procedure and taxes was brought to light in the $894 billion Universal Health Care proposed by none other than Nancy Pelosi, the grim reapette herself.

Admist the grievances lay not only in plain sight, but in highlight for praise, the plan to make government run healthcare a profit center for the government. In other words, the more sick you get, the more tax revenue they receive - and with the sights set on abolishing private insurance and private health care providers, the liberals in Congress are salivating over the fact that a government monopoly is within's arms reach. So much control and so much more money for them to create even more "programs" to dictate life to the peons below (meaning us).

Honestly, the whole idea is so overwhelming to me on so many levels...I don't know where to begin with my criticism and my outrage. Gimme a few more days and maybe I'll find the words to express my griefs...

Monday, October 26, 2009


I just finished reading an article about George P. Bush or "P" as they like to call him. He is the nephew of our 43rd President George W. Bush. He "was inspired by the service of his grandfather George H.W. Bush as well as former NFL star Pat Tillman, signed up for an eight-year term in the Navy Reserve in 2007." per Yahoo News.

"P" is the son of former Governor Jeb Bush and his wife Columba Bush. Columba Bush was born and raised in Mexico. Now his half-Hispanic bloodline is considered be some very good arsenal for future aspirations in the political arena. Ladies this young man is not ugly by any sense of the imagination, but he is married, to a lawyer, sorry.

In the article they discuss that it may be a 2020 or a 2024 run for President when we see him burst onto the scene, perhaps taking on Joe Biden.

Now I'm going to just say what I'm thinking here. BAD IDEA! BAD BAD IDEA! OK.. look folks we saw what the last two Bush Presidents did to our country. I don't care if he is Mother Teresa he shouldn't be President. Haven't we seen enough of the Bush family? He's handsome, he is a lawyer, oh I bet he could do some sweet talking.... but he shouldn't be President. Don't be fooled. Two Bush Presidents was quite enough for this "Joe" American. Maybe Palin will be able to give him some pointers?

Bye George P. Bush good luck and thank you for serving our country. Don't bother coming back and trying to run for office though, this nation has seen enough of you and your family.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Crush on Rush - Rachel

My fascination with Rush Limbaugh began when I was in Jr. High...probably right around the time Slick Willie got elected. I remember fighting with my sister over who got to read the Limbaugh Letter first when it arrived in the mail. I remember with sentiment the "America Held Hostage" days and the joyful celebration when Newt and his entourage took back Congress in 1994.

Rush is a comedic light in the socialistic liberal dominated media. He offers an out-let and a voice to all of us disgusted by left-wing slants and big government proponents. Between the hours of 12pm and 3pm we can get all the sustenance we need to survive the candied-green peace-Obama loving-Capitalism hating hours of 5pm-7pm. After that, we can all rest at ease knowing Pat Sajak, Vanna White and/or Alex Trebek are safely filling the nation's air waves.

Anyway...I will be honest and say that yes, he is obnoxious...yes, he was addicted to Oxycontin, yes, he has been married and divorced 3 times...When I say I love him, I am not nominating him for sainthood nor am I ---gasp---rewarding him the Nobel Peace Prize. I am simply stating he is a great entertainer who shares a lot (not all) of my political and social views. His off the wall monologues get people to think. Even his enemies are served by his rantings. With him or against him, he draws people to take sides and be educated on matters that affect all of our lives.

I LOVE how conceited he is. Self-absorbed, arrogant people captivate me and he is the poster child for all of that. Maybe I'm jealous of his bizarre confidence and hope to glean some of it for myself.

So write what you will about my friend, Rush. I will love him regardless. His ratings will continue to soar as will his net worth. I will continue to listen and laugh and learn a thing or two...and you should, as well.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Noble Words are Not Nobel Worthy. Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize...

When I was a girl, I vividly remember coming across a book at my grandparent's home that was full of biographies of past Nobel winners. My grandpa explained to me that these people were people who were not only dedicated to preaching peace, they acted upon their convictions and made a real difference. Since that day, I've kept my eye on the process, the winners and yes, of course, I always have an opinion on the worthiness of the recipient. I mean, to be in the league of great doers like Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and Elie Wiesel who laid down their lives for peace, is an honor beyond compare.

Now, I am not (Kelley might disagree) an Obama-hater. Honestly, the fact that an African American person can get elected to the office of President of the United States makes me proud. I believe he is a good husband and father - maybe even great - but bestowing the Nobel Peace Prize for, as Pres. Jimmy Carter says "vision and commitment" to world peace without any tangible actions toward it is a devastation to those who rightfully earned the distinction.

Former Polish President and 1983 Nobel Peace laureate Lech Walesa said this when learning of Obama's win, "So soon? Too early. He has no contribution so far. He is still at an early stage. He is only beginning to act." ....and I agree to the hilt... and then some.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why do we have to choose sides? Kelley

I was cleaning house last night listening to the TV in the background, the reporter was discussing how democrats were doing this and republicans were doing that. UGH I realize this has been going on for a long time, but when are we really going to stop with all this partisan talk and start trying to work together?

I'll readily admit I am a democrat. But that doesn't mean I will not listen to both sides of the argument. I'm a believer in doing what is right for all, not just one party, one group of people or one side in general. I want to hear all the facts on decisions being made for me, my family and my nation. It is our civic duty to make sure we have all the facts before we jump on a bandwagon and start accusing one another of being underhanded, lying, or unfair.

There are many items that should be addressed by our government officials healthcare, social security, taxes, and the list goes on. Now I don't claim to have the answers on any of the above, but I do know that as a nation we need to try to find ways to make the changes to all of these issues in the best interest of our people. I don't feel that mudslinging, scare tactics and finger pointing gets the job done. I am willing to put my party's "label" away to make sure we accomplish what needs to be done, are you?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sarah's Selling Fast - Rachel

So...Sarah Palin's memoir Going Rogue: An American Life tops and best seller list more than a month before it hits the shelves. Seriously, why would anyone want to read anything from a nobody, no-brained beauty queen from Alaska? Lib friends, pick your jaws off the floor and get your heads out of your *tooshes* - People like her and want to hear what she has to say despite your incessant witch hunt against her.

Naturally, I am thrilled and proud - and ready to take on the nay-sayers who are set on belittling this accomplishment.

Publisher HarperCollins is running 1.5 million copies (the same printing of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy who sold somewhere around 68k the first week). That's a lot of books - and a lot of confidence in the quality, importance and oh yeah, the profitability of the Governor's autobiography.

The press date was moved from Spring 2010 to November 17 probably to get some Christmas action - smart move. She reportedly spent the month of August in California working full time on the project.

I can't wait to get mine and let you know what I think...wonder if Kelley has pre-ordered her copy yet????

Monday, September 28, 2009

More School? Seriously? - Kelley

OK, I think this is something Rachel and I can agree on for the most part. I read the article that in fact US students spend more time in school than the other countries who by far and away are blowing our academics away. So let me pose a question... Mr. Obama does more time is school suddenly create a "smarter" student. I disagree.

While I was reading I noticed that it wasn't really "school on Saturday" he was proposing but a safe haven for kids for need it on Saturdays. I completely agree with that.

Teachers and students alike are going to be furious with the idea of 3 more hours of school a day. This is not a daycare we are running folks, but an educational system. The kids need down time. It is the responsibility of the parents and the educators to make our kids, strong, responsible and intelligent. Find another way.

Keep Your Paws of My Summer Hooplahs! - Rachel

More school? Obama could trim summer break.

This is the headline on

Not only that, he and Education Secretary Arne Duncan are proposing extending school hours by 3 hrs a day and potentially adding Saturday to the school schedule.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 3 HRS and SATURDAYS? (yes, I am yelling in all caps)

Maybe I am a weird mom who likes to not only see my children, but raise them also. There are many things needed to be learned outside the school building that happen before and after the hours of 8am-3pm. My time with my children is precious and I try hard not to take a minute for granted. I love being the one who teaches them, too, not only academically (on a smaller scale), but also socially, emotionally, and spiritually. I believe it's our jobs as parents to be the primary caregivers of our children...and having them at school 9-10 hrs a day makes that seemingly impossible.

On top of that, what are teachers going to do? Teachers are wonderful and work hard enough as it is. I'm waiting on pin and needles to hear the scoop fro my teacher friends...yeah, I'm pretty sure they are livid.

Now, I am not so naive in my little suburbia to know that there are many children who need a safe place to be after school before a caregiver can pick them up - but to paint the entire country in that scenario is unrealistic and wasteful. There are thousands of afterschool programs to aid these children and I am in full support of them.

BUT I'm not about to give up any part of summers with my children or have them at school 9-10 hrs a day just because our Asian counterparts do.

So, Obama and Arne, count me out of this plan...not gonna buy it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sarah isn't Going Anywhere (except Hong Kong for a speech)

I am a firm believer that libs hate Sarah Palin so much because she is something they cannot fathom - real.

She is not afraid to speak her mind and do what she thinks is right....even stepping down from office, which I often have to remind my lib friends that their god, Obama, did when he became President. Regardless of her reasons, she made a tough decision, as we mommas do everyday, to do what was right for her family.

They can't handle that her family, who is so vocal for life, has stared Down Syndrome in the face and lived to embrace the gift of the gifted - and understand that children are not punishments. They laugh at the failings of abstinence blind to the reality of the future promises it holds.

Whether or not she was ready to become VP, I really don't know - except who really ever is? I do, however, commend her for never having asked a paraplegic to stand up during a political rally.

She is different, I get it. She is out-spoken, I like it.

But most importantly, she is a threat or you wouldn't still be trying to beat her down.

I can handle "real" - can you?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Palin - What is she doing anyways? - Kelley

Governor Palin, OOPS Ex Governor Palin, what exactly are you doing? You didn't win the election so you just quit all together? Humm glad we didn't elect you, because when the going gets tough we need our Vice President to stick around not quit midstream.

So I hear you are taking speaking engagements and recently you visited Hong Kong. They let you speak for 90 minutes. That is a LONG time, so what exactly were you talking about, oh never mind, I don't care. Why didn't you provide opportunities for questions? I'm reading that you did that on purpose. Now we all know you can't answer questions of which you know nothing about or even gracefully bluff your way through, case in point with the Katie Couric interview. So you strategically did the right thing there.

This supposedly wasn't really about your political agenda but more about your financial agenda, well at least you are getting this right because you have no business being in politics. The average "Joe Six pack" knows this too because you are not sitting in the White House as I write this. So keep doing what you are doing, because you need to make your money somewhere and we know it isn't going to be in politics.

Mr. Wilson, your mother should be proud! - Rachel

My favorite thing about Wilsongate is that no one is calling Rep. Joe Wilson a liar for saying the President was lying. I love that the controversy is who he said it to (and probably where he said it), but I don't hear a lot about what he said being inaccurate - because it wasn't.

Do your home work, oh citizens. I'm very confident when you do, we will agree that the government should not be in the health care business. The government makes some really nice fighter jets, keeps museums looking shiny and clean, but do you really want their hands on your health care? Nope.

Mr. Wilson, didn't your mother teach you manners? - Kelley

September 9th 2009, our President addressed congress on health care reform. As many Presidents before him, he addressed them to help gain support for his cause. Now that in and of itself is no big deal. But something happened that day, as the President was speaking. Mr. Wilson felt the need to interrupt him. That is NOT OK! Mr. Wilson, didn't your mother teach you manners!? This man, whom you were disrespectful to is the leader of the free world, UM did you just forget? Why don't you just throw a shoe at him, too?

You are representing your constituents of South Carolina and they must be ashamed of you and your actions, I know I am. Your apologies will never "fix" what you did that day. Do you know this puts you in the same category as Kanye? Patience, understanding, and respect are virtues. None of which you have, sir. You not only owed the President an apology, you owe the American people an apology, as well.

Perhaps it is time for you to find a new profession. I heard that the Iraqi's are hiring and are ok with this type of behavior.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Obama'd Out - Rachel

So I'm reading Anne Kornblut's article in last Saturday's Washington Post dedicated to Obama taking on the TV circuit....again.

I get he's pushing for health care reform and maybe (gasp) we need a little, but seeing his prime time mug every few days is wearing me out. The more I see him, the less important I think his presence is.

Don't you remember, as a child, sitting on the floor wide-eyed when the President of the United States was addressing the nation? I remember Reagan after the Challenger tragedy, Bush Sr. after bombing Iraq, Clinton after the Cole attack, and of course, Bush Jr. after 9/11. Such wonderment I felt for these men in leadership, guiding our country out of dark shadows.

Now appears Obama...after one, two, three press conferences, special reports and joint Congressional addresses, the awe is gone. The urgency is gone - and with that, the importance of what he is saying is gone.

We need to see less of his baby face and more realistic plans for this great country. He has been in office 248 days, 8 hours and 19 minutes and, yep, I am so totally Obama'd Out.