Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sarah isn't Going Anywhere (except Hong Kong for a speech)

I am a firm believer that libs hate Sarah Palin so much because she is something they cannot fathom - real.

She is not afraid to speak her mind and do what she thinks is right....even stepping down from office, which I often have to remind my lib friends that their god, Obama, did when he became President. Regardless of her reasons, she made a tough decision, as we mommas do everyday, to do what was right for her family.

They can't handle that her family, who is so vocal for life, has stared Down Syndrome in the face and lived to embrace the gift of the gifted - and understand that children are not punishments. They laugh at the failings of abstinence blind to the reality of the future promises it holds.

Whether or not she was ready to become VP, I really don't know - except who really ever is? I do, however, commend her for never having asked a paraplegic to stand up during a political rally.

She is different, I get it. She is out-spoken, I like it.

But most importantly, she is a threat or you wouldn't still be trying to beat her down.

I can handle "real" - can you?

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