OK, I think this is something Rachel and I can agree on for the most part. I read the msn.com article that in fact US students spend more time in school than the other countries who by far and away are blowing our academics away. So let me pose a question... Mr. Obama does more time is school suddenly create a "smarter" student. I disagree.
While I was reading I noticed that it wasn't really "school on Saturday" he was proposing but a safe haven for kids for need it on Saturdays. I completely agree with that.
Teachers and students alike are going to be furious with the idea of 3 more hours of school a day. This is not a daycare we are running folks, but an educational system. The kids need down time. It is the responsibility of the parents and the educators to make our kids, strong, responsible and intelligent. Find another way.
The Death of Retail Is Entirely My Fault {Oops!}
5 years ago